Creative Economies Analysis Blog


Information and Commentary about the Place Where Creative Content Meets Commerce Meets Established and Emerging Technologies

Digital Media Conference 2009

Today I attended the Washington Digital Media Conference 2009 at the Ritz-Carlton in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia. I’m writing up at least a couple of essays to post here soon. I met several impressive digital media professionals with tremendous expertise and innovative ideas about the direction for digital media in the years to come.
As a preview, let me just say that the issue for the creative community to keep aware of is an issue that the business community is acutely aware of: monetization. How can an application of digital media technology make money. It’s key to the direction that so many aspects of the digital world will take.
It reminds me of an editorial cartoon I saw years ago, showing a picture of the “Information Superhighway” completed paved and ready to go, but then a sign up with a construction site saying “Closed until completion of the tollbooth”. That was about monetization; making it worth business’ effort to make the Internet accessible to a wide audience.
Writers and other creators of content should be following the monetization issues; just maybe we can share in the revenue.

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